quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2022

The butterflies

 I missed the butterflies. I felt so broken that'd I started to wonder if they're escaping or just not there to begin with. My insides were rotten and everything made me so tired and angry and confused.

The feeling of not feeling I am what used to make me made me sad. Will I ever return to me? Did I just change and I need to accept this new me?

Everyday was a new challenge trying to firuge it out. The social butterfly, the flirty teasy girl were gone.

Before I realized months have passed and I was taking my time, enjoying my own company and feeling that'd just had to be sufficient.

It was, I think it should always be enough- you with your own thoughts doing the things you like without having to satisfy or comply to others.

But here I am again wanting to be social, wanting to be around people, feeling the butterflies again and felling attracted to someone.

It was not imeadiate, I never really thought it'd happend with you. Yet, here I am wanting to text you, tell you about my day, wanting to be with you, hear you, tease you, being teased by you. I just slide into a comfortable zone when I'm with you and there's absolutely no limits. Thank you for bringing my butterflies back, or maybe they just needed to be awaken.

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