sábado, 1 de fevereiro de 2020

Something to bring me hope

Turns out changing families changes a lot the situation. For good and bad. Yuan (mum) and Hester (daughter) have a really good level of English. I guess they really just needed me to be forced to practice and to play with Hester. I'm realising now that when us, western people, say "Asian level" it's REAAAAALLY NOT A JOKE. Kids in school are taught to compete between each other, study hard to be the best and still practice whatever activities they might have after school. Hester has piano and swimming. Her coaches say she must practice 2h a day if she wants to be good. For me it's too much, kids need time to be kids and not machines. But let's face it, Hester is a really good student, great level of English, good pianist and swimmer (a loooot of medals) and still she maintains her young energy. She's super active and she plays a lot. The mother is easy going and very nice with me. We drank Belgium beer yesterday ahah. I'm guessing I'm in a good place. But she scared me. Hers and Wendy's reality are different. Yuan wants me to stay with them but she enfatizes that my health and security comes first. She would leave the country if not for her parents and she advises me to do the same as the virus can only spread. "The tickets are on me", she even said without knowing me so well. Chinese are really trusty (well, rich chinese at least ahah).
I want to give it a bit more time tho, I hope it's not a mistake. I spent a lot of money and energy to come, so I would like to learn and see a bit more. I think it's possible even if the virus is taking control. I'll be carefull and all will be ok.
Everybody is so concerned asking me everyday how am I, why am I here. I doing copy paste at this point. My parents say I should go now before they stop all the airlines and close borders. As the situation in Zhuhai is not so urgent I guess I can wait a bit more.
Even Simone asked me how I am, of course this put a smile on my face. We talked for a while, I told him I might go earlier to Australia and he was happy. He said it would be strange to encounter me in Australia but maybe we could do the same as in France. Well, this is my wish and the only thing I can think about now. Maybe my luck is about to change. Something to bring me hope.

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