terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2020

Cultural differences

Being locked up brought me at least some more clarity on the differences that divide both cultures- European and Chinese. I can say I was surprised with some and amazed with others.
Opposite from us China has only developed on the last 30 years, before that all people used to work on farms on the country side. On the last 30 years China developed really fast and now I would say they are more developed than us in some ways, others maybe not so much.
The technology is a pro I must say, if used correctly at least, but I think they do. They have devices for EVERYTHING. They use a vaccum robot, a massage robot, a teaching robot, they pay all things (almost) through apps and don't even need to get a ticket when parking the car- there's always a camera that captures their car plate counting how much time they stay and calculating how much they need to pay (in the app).
They take more care of their health in ways that for us is weird but they are absolutely right. For example the warm water it is better and they never drink during meals. The hard mattress- better for the column. Washing intimate clothes all together is a no no. Everyone washes separately in a basin. Baby clothes are even washed on a separate washing machine. The mother stays at home with the baby during a whole month after giving birth and when the kids are sick she dedicates her whole time to take care of them even if she doesn't sleep. Shoes are always taken off at the entrance and sleepers are a must.
In what concerns the better use of resources, they use solar energy everywhere and in the bath they try not to waiste water by using a basin. They even wash their teeth in the shower if possible.
By other hand, there are somethings that I believe we have more advantage. We evolved to more equality between men and women. They still have an archaic system. The man pays the house- that by the way doesn't stay in the family forever, only lasts 70y)- and the woman is in charge of taking care of their children. Fathers can work far away from home seeing their families just a few times. The mothers can work as well but retirement is different. Men retire at 65 and women at 50- hugeee difference. When a woman have children, one of the grandmothers moves to the house to take care of them and help around. She's basically a servant. Wendy even tells her mother to pick up the shoes even if they are right next to her and is capable of call her from the room 5 times in a row. For me this is an abuse. She stays in the kitchen all day, even when she's not cooking, she's there on the phone. Chinese families hire babysitters here but for what Wendy told me it's really unsafe. They can't trust them. Babysitters use to kidnap children and change them so much that nobody is able to recognise them. This happens because there are couples that can't have children so they buy from this people.
About some funny facts, I asked about their Christmas. Wendy told me it's on the mall- they have a huge Christmas tree and.... CLOWS! Cannot understand why!!
Also, Chinese, as we could notice by now through the tourists, don't like to sun bathing, not even taking a little sun on the face. They put thons of sun scream when going to the beach is only with all the skin convered.
Yesterday we got out at night (finally) and it seemed a scenario from an apocalyptic movie like Walking dead or Bird Box as the streets were empty and almost every store was closed. Government advises not to get out but if we do must use masks. As Wendy doesn't have them (they're on the way) she gave me an hat with mask. It's what they use to go to the beach ahah. I was laughing so much inside. It's not even normal for locals. We got some attention. It's ok, nobody knows me and they can't even recognize Wendy!!!
We went to a shop and it's super funny the amount of different things they have- dry shrimps, watermelon seeds (to eat I mean), a lot of different flavoured condoms, kinder with the old face on it (ahah) and other weird stuff...
Well, it was fun to get out even for a bit.
Wendy also gave me a spring festival costume to try on. It's super beautiful, they use it just on this occasion. She was nice enough to offer me, it must be expensive. It's hand made and ordered... It's just an honour and definitely something to remember me of the time here.

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