sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2020


I woke up feeling more excited about the Chinese New year. I didn't know if we would get out due to the virus but I was hoping so.
My BREAKFAST was pasta with meat and spicy sauce, I felt so confused but amused by this food. I could not ask the grandma because she doesn't speak English so I waited. Later on Wendy told me their normal breakfast is that "soup" with rice and sweat potato but she thought I wouldn't like it. Well, she's right, it has no flavour ahah but I can eat fruit, c'mon..
My phone battery was starting to die and I didn't have anything to do. They continue to be closed up in their rooms due to the cold and me out here trying to entertain myself. If I can't help cooking, cleaning or even play with the kids what can I do? I didn't bring an adaptor to charge my phone, I thought I could buy here but everything is closed. So finally Wendy gave me one, well, gave to the grandma to give me... She really doesn't leave the room and her mother just seems to be a maid around here. Funny fact: she's my mom age.
I was hopeless with nothing to do, start to arrange my stuff and sew some clothes- thing I would never do if I wasn't so bored!!- when grandma came to me with some books. They are kind of English reading test books so I laughed and then cried- don't know exactly if I was touched by the action or just amused and laugh crying ahah. So I did read it for a while outside, it felt good. I will try to buy some books later on.
I also played a bit with the youngest sister although it's not easy because we can't communicate much but we managed.
At some point the biggest sister and Wendy got out of the room- wooow! In the beggining I doubted my eyes- maybe it was the youngest sister and I confused it... But no, it was for real!
We went out in the afternoon around the neighborhood and city. Not much to do, everything was closed because of the FUCKING virus but it was a good walk either way. At least we got out of the house finally. At some point I understood that we were already in the new year... So, nobody partied!! I asked Wendy if it was not weird not to and she replied "well, we have it every year, it's ok". Even so, it would be weird for me to spend my 1rst of January midnight in the bed. Well, I got to learn about some traditions and this time is good to adapt a bit before my original host family arrives but it's sad I did all this effort and did not live the spring festival according to plan.
Wendy explained me some things about the small city of Zhuhai (small for China maybe- 2 million people...) and I got to see the night lights. They're actually beautiful. I was concerned about the electricity but she told me it was solar energy. I was amazed- THIS IS THE FUTURE!

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