quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2020

Heading to China II

Waking up on a plane heading to Hong Kong as a exhausting sensation combined with a fulfilling one. Finally I'm arriving, I cannot believe. I still have the way until Zhuhai, China but comparing I'm guessing that will be the easy part. Let's hope so at least.
I'm on the other part of the world now, never went so far. Doesn't feel so scary now, feels better like I accomplished something. In Portugal it's 1am now, here it's 9am, I already ate breakfast. Feels so weird but it's a good weird like I'm experiencing something different. I'm a bit afraid of the jetlag tho! I don't even know how much I slept (in the last 3 nights/during the day). Also, afraid of the diseases. I'm seeing a lot of Asians with masks. I should probably get one when I get the chance.
Now I cannot stop thinking that all my "problems" on Portugal seem a bit more distant now. I mean, can't do much from a distance so they'll stay there and hopefully when I come back in a year/half they'll be different, easier because after all it's me making things harder. I'll have different ones now I guess ahah.

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