segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2020

Drug experiments

I committed to experiment some different drugs and their effects. I'm now in Netherlands and it seems to be a good place to do so.

I experimented coke, truffles and LSD for the first time.

Let's start with coke... Supposedly the drug of the rich, right? Gives you a lot of energy and focus. Well, to me it's not worth it at all. Only kept me a bit more awake and even made me a bit indisposed. I really don't like the taste and the feeling that stays in the nose after sniffing it. So, I don't get the big fuss. Shoud I pay 60€, or ok, at least 30€ divided if I want to feel awake? No thank you, I'll take a coffe or a nap.

Moving to truffles, I was curious about this one because it's so similar to mushrooms and I really love their effect. To take this type of drugs I really advise it to be done in an open environment, in the nature, with not many people around. Of course the other experience I related it was good as well, very good, but I feel this drugs are made for us to appreciate more the nature and how does it connects with ourselves.

So I took them in a lake and it couldn't have been better as the weather was just perfect. How is it possible in middle September in Netherlands I really don't know, but the circumstances were just perfect.

In the beggining somehow I always feel a bit sick, my belly feels strange, but after a while it disappeares and I start to notice things more. Colours become brighter, shapes become special, and all senses are hiped.

I was not so excited about taking it late because in the dark I wouldn't appreciate it so much... It was even better. The sunset colours were marvellous and in the dark we managed to appreciate other things.

Two of the things I enjoyed the most were being in the water kind of dancing, doing movements with my body and swing the reflection in the water. Picking a leaf and passing touching the surface of the lake. Felt so simple and beautiful in the same time.

We had this colorful balls that changed to the colour we wanted. For some reason I was so connected to the blue. Also green, but the blue was definitely attracting me. Seeing the ball reflection in the water was magical and passing the ball through my body was feeling so good.

I was feeling beautiful. I was in my bikini, and recently I don't feel in my perfect shape, even so I was feeling the most pretty I ever been.

I left the water when it was pretty dark and moved to the more dark part of the forest were I was just appreciating the sky, the trees and myself with the blue ball. I was freely dancing and enjoying myself without any care if other people could see me.

During this trip I was fully connected with myself and committed to let things come to me.

My friend Barbara told me she had some experiences meditating, such as seeing her guardian angel and other figures. I started to see a figure as well looking into the dark. It was a brownd woody female figure and I wanted to discover more but in the same time was scared of it so eventually I sent it away.

Later we started to meditate together and it was, no doubt, one of the most beautiful but scaring experiences I had. I felt my energy connected to Barbara. I felt she was chanaling me to access something in the universe. At some moments I even felt she was using too much of my energy and felt the need to call her to earth. She wouldn't stop tho, eventually I felt we were having a intimate transcendental experience. I was seeing her body and her beauty marks. Thing is, I started to feel other body as well, one that I don't know and it scared me again so I snapped out of it. Later it all made sense as she told me she was having an intimate experience of herself with another person.

It makes me think we can access things we don't even know we're capable of.

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