quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2019

A different kind of tourism

I don't do much exercise. Nowadays my work-out resumes to a small run near my house with my dog or a few exercises at home. When I go abroad (and that's often), although I think about it I never go running. A friend of mine said it's actually one of the best ways to get to know an area.
This time I came to Macedonia and my hotel is in front of a beautiful lake. As I came earlier than the other and had sometime to kill (WITHOUT ANY INTERNET) I went running near the lake and through the city. I gave it a try... And I felt so good, I did get to know the city in a different way.
Today I went again running near the lake and in the end I went in. I thought before what a crime would be if I didn't go into the lake as it looks go clean and beautiful. It's almost December after all... But I guess good energies make everything possible and also maybe a warm body aha! I went in, one of the best sensations of this trip I'm sure.

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